Wednesday, 9 October 2019

Charity Shop Jeans

I stay in my lane when it comes to jeans. Since the return of the high-rise waistline, I've loyally stuck to it. From the comfort of the Topshop Joni jeans (who remembers wearing these everyday?) to the re-done straight leg Levis that are everywhere now. because I have such exacting requirements, I usually go straight to Ebay or Depop when I want new denim, as you can find the exact style and size you're after... I've even caved in and bought a couple of pairs from Primark recently, despite the guilt, because jeans are JUST. SO. HARD. TO. FIND.  

Jumper - charity shop (H&M)
Jeans - charity shop (Zara)
Shoes - Vans
Necklace - vintage
Hair slides - Accessorize

When it comes to scouting for jeans in charity shops, patience and perseverance are needed in bucket loads. Finding something you like the style of is one thing (the rails are usually bulging with hipster flares with diamantes and elasticated waist granny slacks in varying shades of beige) but finding a pair that fit? Like finding a needle in a haystack. Because of this I rarely give the trousers section much attention, but I've learned my lesson after finding a pair that I actually wanted to come home with, despite the fact they didn't tick all my boxes... 

I was initially skeptical about this pair of dark wash straight leg jeans because they aren't high waisted. I would be stepping out of my comfort zone, but when I tried them on I really liked how they fitted. I'd say that they were "Dad jeans" because of the relaxed shape, I love that they don't taper in at the ankle in any way, and I think what stops them looking like they literally belong to my dad is that they end just above the ankle, which I think makes them more feminine.
I paired them with this pale grey jumper, which I actually bought at the same time as the jeans. I love how thick the knit is *cold girl essential*, the boxy and slightly cropped shape, and the uncool cricket jumper-esque v-neck. With the vans and hair slides, I feel a bit like i'm off to nursery, but I'm kind of into it! 

I guess the moral of the story is - don't be disheartened when you don't find anything, second hand shopping takes patience, perseverance and an open mind. 
Which leads me on to the second thing I've learned - It's great to know what you like, but try not to pigeon-hole your style. If you shop with an open mind and just try different things, you might end up finding something new to love! 

Photos by Rudi

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